Life Groups
Life Groups are a way to get connected during the week. In this smaller group setting, there is space to share more of our lives, to laugh and get to know one another, to dive deep in Scripture, and to pray for one another.
Every other Tuesday at 7:30
The “Eclectic” is a group consisting of anyone who is interested in studying the Scriptures regardless of age or any other way people divide themselves. We often have tea with something sweet. We read a passage, then do so again to see what is high-lighted to us, and one last time to ask how we should respond. We follow that with a time of listening to God in prayer and speaking words of encouragement over each other.
Contact Rick
Leadership Class
Every other Wednesday at 8:30
Every single person has a sphere of influence, and can enact leadership in their community. This group is for all who want to grow as a leader within their current context. Come and join us for conversation and study on Biblical leadership.
Contact Rick
Every other Thursday at 7:00
Ladies' lifegroup is a chance for women to connect with each other and God in a warm, loving environment. We usually meet for dinner at Beth's house, followed by Bible study and/or prayer afterwards. We sometimes go out for dinner or dessert instead.
Contact Beth
Every other Thursday at 7:30
Men’s life group connects people with God. We usually meet over a beverage, study the Scriptures, and ask how we are to respond. We believe God wants to speak to us today so we end with prayer afterwards and a time to listen to God regarding how we are being led.
Contact Rick
Every weekday online at 8:00
Acompaños todas las noches a Las 8:00 pm (hora Centro US) en la aventura de conocer a Jesus! Estudio Biblico, adoracion e intercecion en vivo, Centro america, Sur america y Norte America Juntos adorando Al Señor!
Join us every night at 8 Pm Central Time in the adventure of experiencing Jesus! Live Bible study, worship and Prayer, South, Central and North America together for Christ!